SRA Archives
UVO Cleaner (Jelight – Model 18)
ACLA16 wind tunnel
ACLA16 wind tunnel for wind engineering tests
Túnel aerodinámico A9
Tren de lavado para sustratos
Test tank of the Ports Laboratory, Civil Engineering Technical School
The Ports and Coasts Laboratory of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid consists of a 52-metre-long channel with a 1 metre-wide by 1.5-metre high cross-section. It is able to generate regular and irregular waves of up to 0.45 metres in a depth of 1 metre. It has reflected-wave absorption control and it controls dissipation using polyurethane
Equipment for thin film deposition
Sistema de vacío – Llenado de células LCD
AB200 laser microprocessing system
AB200 laser microprocessing system. UV ns/ps (quasi-CW). Laser systems: Spectra-Physics Pulseo DPSS Nd:YVO4 1 Hz-400 kHz 20 W @ 100 kHz pulse-width < 20 ns. Six-DOF positioning system. TTL vision system . Fix lens head. Scanner head. XYZ linear stages rotation and tilt stages. Spectra-Physics Vanguard DPSS Nd:YVO4 80 MHz Power 2.5 W pulse-width <