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Test tank of the Ports Laboratory, Civil Engineering Technical School

The Ports and Coasts Laboratory of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid consists of a 52-metre-long channel with a 1 metre-wide by 1.5-metre high cross-section. It is able to generate regular and irregular waves of up to 0.45 metres in a depth of 1 metre. It has reflected-wave absorption control and it controls dissipation using polyurethane


Equipment for thin film deposition

AB200 laser microprocessing system

AB200 laser microprocessing system. UV ns/ps (quasi-CW). Laser systems: Spectra-Physics Pulseo DPSS Nd:YVO4 1 Hz-400 kHz 20 W @ 100 kHz pulse-width < 20 ns. Six-DOF positioning system. TTL vision system . Fix lens head. Scanner head. XYZ linear stages rotation and tilt stages. Spectra-Physics Vanguard DPSS Nd:YVO4 80 MHz Power 2.5 W pulse-width <