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Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) with liquid cell
Advanced material science and engineeringConnectivityFood bioeconomy natural resources agriculture and environmentHealthNatural SciencesSocial sciences and humanities
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
Centre for biomedical technology
Centre for biomedical technology
The equipment has eight independent piezoelectrics, Dulcinea® control, WSxM software, a fluid cell and an XY positioner. It allows AFM images to be taken in contact, jumping, lithographic and dynamic (amplitude and frequency modulation) modes; spectroscopic measurements in 2 (FZ), 3 (3D) and 4 (general spectroscopy imaging, including force volume) dimensions; and long-distance measurements with retrace and plane scan methods. It also includes automatic drift correction. Moreover, it has a liquid exchange system which makes it possible to control the physical and chemical conditions of the medium in which the specimens are held. The equipment is connected to an inverted optical microscope, which allows the sensor element to be positioned on any point of interest in the specimen.
Way(s) of collaboration
Sharing rules are available here: https://www.upm.es/recursosidi/infraestructura/microscopio-de-fuerza-atomica-afm-con-celda-liquida/Please read this document to know the sharing rules
Grupo: Materiales Estructurales Avanzados y Nanomateriales; Centro/int: Centro de Tecnología Biomédica CTB
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
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A scientific or technological infrastructure
Research, Teaching, and others (industrial...) activities
Frequently asked question
Can I put my facility in the catalogue?
Yes, if you are from one of the EELISA member, you can log in and create a page for your facility. It will be then validated by a dedicated person at your institution and published. You can edit it at any time.
What happens when I am contacted?
The catalogue is meant to get in touch and start scientific discussion. There is no obligation to accept the collaboration.
Whom to contact if I would like to get more information about the catalogue ?
Each insitution has at least one contact :
- BME: László Gergely VIGH (vigh.laszlo.gergely@emk.bme.hu)
- ENPC: Mustafa SEVIMLI (mustafa.sevimli@enpc.fr)
- FAU: David SCHKADE (david.schkade@fau.de)
- ITU: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda KARBANCIOGLU GÜLER (karbanci@itu.edu.tr); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bihter ZEYTUNCU GÖKOĞLU ( bihtzeytuncu@itu.edu.tr)
- SSSA: Sara BARSANTI (Sara.Barsanti@santannapisa.it )
- SNS: Darya KRASILNIKOV (darya.krasilnikov@sns.it); Pasqualantonio Pingue (pasqualantonio.pingue@sns.it)
- PSL: Antoine MERCIER (antoine.mercier@chimieparistech.psl.eu)
- UPB: Catalin NEGRU (catalin.negru@upb.ro)
- UPM: Isabel SALGUEIRO (isabel.salgueiro@upm.es)
I am from UPM, may I publish on the catalogue?
As UPM has its own local catalogue (Portada - HUB Digital de Innovación ), you first need to publish your facility on the UPM catalogue and then it will be transferred to the EELISA catalogue with no further action from your side.