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Contact form for EELISA facilities
This tool automatically posts a request to the scientific manager of the facility. The acceptance of the request and all further exchange are under the full responsibility of the scientific manager. Posting arequest does not automatically imply its acceptance.
Identify yourself

About you
First name
Last name
Are you part of one of the EELISA member?
Select your host institution
E-mail address
Please enter a valide address. It will be used for all further correspondence with the facility manager.

Define the scientific objects

Specify the period you would prefer for the visit
Provide a brief description of the scientific aim of the visit
Please clearly identify the devices you would like to access and the work planned
Max 3000 characters, excluding spaces
Any relevant additional scientific information can be uploaded here
Powered by PQINA

    Laboratorio NEST

    Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS)

    Pasqualantonio PINGUE
    Chief Operating Officer